Swiss Red Cross The Power of Humanity

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Swiss Red Cross The Power of Humanity

The Swiss Red Cross is the oldest and largest humanitarian organisation in Switzerland and as a member of the international Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement part of the world’s largest humanitarian and development network of volunteers and staff. The purpose of the SRC’s activities is to protect the lives, health and dignity of human beings.

The SRC is committed to helping make long-term improvements to health care in about 30 countries. It reinforces primary health care in vulnerable regions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and eastern Europe. It conducts prevention campaigns, promotes the supply of clean drinking water and builds sanitary facilities. It also helps to set up blood transfusion services, runs eye care programmes and trains medical staff. Local Red Cross volunteers are trained so that they can pass on their knowledge to villagers.

With your donation to the SRC you support those people who most need help.

20’000 Points enable 10 children and their mothers in Africa and Asia to sleep safely under mosquito nets and protect them from disease.

Thank you very much!

Swiss Red Cross The Power of Humanity

The Swiss Red Cross is the oldest and largest humanitarian organisation in Switzerland and as a member of the international Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement part of the world’s largest humanitarian and development network of volunteers and staff. The purpose of the SRC’s activities is to protect the lives, health and dignity of human beings.

The SRC is committed to helping make long-term improvements to health care in about 30 countries. It reinforces primary health care in vulnerable regions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and eastern Europe. It conducts prevention campaigns, promotes the supply of clean drinking water and builds sanitary facilities. It also helps to set up blood transfusion services, runs eye care programmes and trains medical staff. Local Red Cross volunteers are trained so that they can pass on their knowledge to villagers.

With your donation to the SRC you support those people who most need help.

20’000 Points enable 10 children and their mothers in Africa and Asia to sleep safely under mosquito nets and protect them from disease.

Thank you very much!